Kindle Free Pick of the Week: The Christmas Bus
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 9:54AM
Rick C.Limpert

Currently #1 in the Kindle Store, The Christmas Bus, by Melody Carlson is a inspirational tale about a small town appropriately named Christmas Valley.  What happens to Christmas Valley is almost more than the booming tourist town can handle.

A young married couple bop into town in an old bus with no money and a baby on the way.  The townsfolk are initially hostile to the couple, but they stay due to the efforts of Charles and Edith Ryan, owner's of the town's B&B, The Shepherd's Inn. 

The story goes on from there.  It moves quickly and readers bond with The Ryan's and their good-hearted approach to life.  The town learns not to be preoccupied with material things and they should reach out to the needy, especially during the holidays.  Something we can all take to heart.  The book is a great free pick for your Kindle, download it now and save it for December.

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