Guerrilla 2.0.: Wage an Effective Publicity Campaign... by Mike Levine
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 9:33PM
Rick C.Limpert


I agree with Dick Morris, that this book, which is an update of an earlier effort is one ofthe most important books of the year.

The new media and the old media are completely different and sometimes are at war.  This book will guide you through the maze of old vs. new media.

•  In the old media, repetition was the key to advertising.  In the new media, it is deadly and causes people to turn off.

•  In the old media, the sound bite was everything.  If you couldn't say it in seven seconds, it wouldn't run on the news.  In the new media, where people browse web sites for hours, elaboration is key and condensation is a big mistake.

•  In the old media, you could count on corralling viewers involuntarily since they were all watching the same shows.  In the new media, you need to make them want to watch you since the options are so pluralistic.

•  In the old media, you had to make it with a few established organs or you would be shut out.  In the new media, you can present your case to your audience in any number of ways and through any number of media, all of which Levine explains.

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