The ESPN employees responsible for college basketball marketing and programming might have gone a little too far with their "24 Hours of College Basketball" promotion. What would prompt two East Coast schools to schedule a game at 6 am? The national television exposure for one, and to be a part of this mega college basketball showcase. This is all for exposure St. Peter's and Monmouth usually don't get. But they'll be tipping it off before dawn on Tuesday. Both coaches say they will schedule some early morning practices to get the teams accustomed tothe early game time. They didn't say if they were going to replace the buzzer sound at the gym with alarm clock noise. Are the teams going to wear pajamas for the warm ups? Will the Gatorade coolers be replace with Starbuck's Coffee Travelers? Will St. Peter's Coach John Dunne get a technical for wiping the sleep out of his eye, and the ref interprets it as an obscene gesture? One thing I do know, is if this game runs over it will cut into Drexel and Niagra's 8 am game.