Nightstand Central is an app that turns your iPad into a beautiful alarm clock. Nightstand Central combines all the functionality that you need in an alarm clock into one intuitive app (and it works on both the iPhone and the iPhone). It's also the perfect use for an older iPhone or iPod touch that doesn't see as much use as it used to. It really looks great on the iPad.
The free version features include:
-Automatic Vertical and Horizontal modes
-Customizable auto-lock time. If your device is running on battery, you can set it to sleep earlier than if it is plugged in, or not.
-Adjustable brightness: Slide your finger up or down to change.
-12 or 24 hour time format
-Show / Hide seconds
-Current and accurate weather conditions, updated however often you'd like, for almost anywhere in the world.
- Alarm choices
Don't rely on hotel alarm clocks or a wake-up call when you are on the road. Try this app, you'll love it.