'The Amazing Race' Heads to Bangladesh
Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 5:43PM
Rick C.Limpert in Bangladesh, Double u-turn, Television, The Amazing Race

CBS' The Amazing Race travels to Bangladesh this week in their quest to complete the race and win $1,000,000.

The teams leave their pitstop in Oman behind and head for Bangladesh, the most populated city on the planet. Tensions run high when teams discover a new twist: the Double U-Turn.

A U-Turn traditionally comes into play after a Detour has been completed. A team that has been U-Turned must go back and complete the Detour task that they did not complete. In this variation of the U-Turn 2 teams will each be able to force another team to complete the other half of the Detour. Both teams can not U-Turn the same team.  This should add some spice to what is already a spicy race. 

Article originally appeared on RickLimpert.info (http://ricklimpert.squarespace.com/).
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