Florida Coach to Step Down Again
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 2:32PM
Rick C.Limpert in Florida, Football, Gators, Urban Meyer, resign

According to the Twitter page of Sporting News Radio host Todd Wright, Florida’s Urban Meyer will step down later today from his position of head coach.

Others have also tweeted the Meyer news, stating  that the Gators head coach indeed will step down and that a press conference will be held later this evening to announce the decision.

We've heard this before, so Gator haters don't get too excited.  After the season Florida just had, I'd be interested to hear what the opinions of Gators are about Meyer at this point.

Gator fans aren't as patients as Georgia Bulldog fans are.

Article originally appeared on RickLimpert.info (http://ricklimpert.squarespace.com/).
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