Big Bang Theory Quotes from "The Alien Parasite Hypothesis"
Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 8:16PM
Rick C.Limpert in Amy Farah Fowler, BBT, Big Bang Theory, December 9, Quotes

Raj and Howard are at each other and Amy is attracted to a man that isn't Sheldon.

Here's tonight's quotes:

Sheldon: What is the best number? There is only one correct answer.

Leonard: 73 is the Chuck Norris of numbers.

Penny: So I spent 7th grade dotting my I's will little asses?

Amy: Does "went out" mean, have intercourse?

Penny: Zack can't even spell "NPR".

Raj: Did he get super powers?

Howard: Who would want to become "Rat Man"?

Raj: You could be my sidekick, Mouseboy.

Sheldon: Hosting an alien parasite.

Amy: Where would I have picked up a parasite?

Raj: It's easy, a spider is crawling up your arm.

Amy: I'm not going through menopause.

Sheldon: You said that with the testy bark of an old bitty.

Sheldon: Did you see Star Trek, The Motion Picture? Don't!

Sheldon: Cheap science fiction!

Amy: That's not your lunch. That's the cadaver brain specimens.


Sheldon: Forget science, she's horny.

Penny: Are you sure?

Sheldon: It's illegal to spay a human being.

Penny: Oh Amy, you lucky girl.

Sheldon: I'm looking for a "Zack Johnson" that used to have coitus with my neighbor Penny.

Sheldon: It's like trying to talk to a dolphin.

Howard: 1-2-3-Go is for babies.

Raj: What kind of superhero says, "dibs on the red tights."

Sheldon: I look like a Hell's Angel.

Sheldon: Follow your endocrine system.

Zack: My gluteus what?

Howard: I could've been a ninja by now if my mother could've arranged a car pool.

Raj: It's only a matter of time before you fall into Rat Man's, rat trap.

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