Modern Family Quotes of the Night from "Bixby's Back"
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 9:27PM
Rick C.Limpert in Cam and Mitchell, Clive and Juliama, Modern Family, People, Quotes, Television

Claire and Phil role play.  Jay tries too hard and Mitchell and Cam think they both have a secret admirer.

Phil:  Panties?

Phil: She lost her under panties.

Mitchell:  He does not have a crush on me.

Phil:  This is how you do "V" Day!

Claire:  Most of these people were here on V-E Day.

Claire/Juliana:  May I speak to Clive?

Phil/Clive:  Baby Doll, I've been lying to my wife for 16 years.

Phil: Nobody walks anymore!

Jay: What kind of guy messes up two Valentines Days in a row?  Not this idiot.

Jay:  Bam! She looks like a big idiot.

Haley: David never sent me a jar of his own tears.

Manny:  Who is Haley Dunphy?

Cam:  Gasp! I'm shocked.

Cam: Me, Mitchell, wedge.

Broderick: Did I validate you?

Cam: Oh, yes.

Clive/Phil:  You look hot enough to cook a pizza

Clive/Phil:  I'm good at catching things from women in bars.

Jay:  Five-course meal at home and she's strapping on the feed bag at Ibiza.

Juliana/Claire:  I can still hear your pants.

Clive/Phil:  Maybe I should just shut them up.

Phil:  There's been a tiny mistake.

Cam:  Your assistant is hot for me.

Mitchell  Well pick out china and move to Vermont.

Gloria:  I'm the second wife Jay, why do you treat me like the first?

Gloria:  I trick you.  I win!

Gloria:  Shut up!  I win.

Claire:  Let's not push it, you almost got arrested tonight.

Haley:  I haven't been single since I was nine.

Cam/Mitchell:  Ryan!

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