The Big Bang Theory Quotes From "The Rothman Disintegration"
Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 8:13PM
Rick C.Limpert in Big Bang Theory, CBS, Events, Kripke, People, Rothman, Sports, Star Trek, Television, sports

Sheldon and Kripke see who's the most athletic and Penny feels uncomfortable taking a rather "large" gift from Amy.

Here are the quotes:

Sheldon: Dibs!

Sheldon: Offices are not assigned because someone calls dibs!

Raj: I'm glad that men are wearing hats again.  They are so distinguished.

Amy: A new lace bra that hooks in the front of all things.

Amy: I wanted to get you something you didn't have.

Amy: Where are you going to hang it?

President Siebert; I'm your boss and I'm holding my penis.

Sheldon: I can send you a link to a Youtube video showing you how to perform your own rectal exam.

Sheldon: By the way, butter is a great lubrican in performing your rectal exam.

Bernadette; That is big!

Bernadette: Do you like pictures of yourself where you look like you're a man.

Sheldon: If that doesn't work out, I'll poison his tea.

Kripke: I'll take Rothman's office and you so suck a wemon.

Sheldon: Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock

Kripke: I haven't watched Star trek since I discovered a strip club near my apartment that has a free buffet.

Sheldon: Five what?

Kripke: Wan out of woom.

Leonard: Nothing that is happening here is being done on purpose.

Sheldon: Use the Force, Sheldon.  You need more force.

Sheldon: I've bounced many a rubber ball in my day.

Leonard; Ok stop the trash talking.

Penny: I can't believe you have never seen "Grease"

Amy: Those singing hooligans really got my juices flowing.

Amy: I'm just glad I didn't go for the sculpture.

Amy: I bought you a painting that is 12 square feet.

Penny: It made Bernadette very jealous.

Amy: Of the three of us, she is the least cool.

Sheldon: I'm trying to raise the temperature in here before my nipples freeze through my shirt.

Sheldon: That's a mockingbird, he's mocking me.

Sheldon: Hey gravel monkeys!

Sheldon: You geo-loving feldspar junkies!

Amy: Originally we were painted nude.

Sheldon: My head got stuck.  It's called scientific curiosity


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