Kindle Free Pick of the Week - 10 Interesting Things About Human Behavior
Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 7:21PM
Rick C.Limpert in Books, Gadgets, Internet, Kindle Fire, Picks, free Kindle, free ebook, picks, self help

Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior is a short, lighthearted look at 10 things human beings do, why we do them, and their significance in our everyday lives. How do we resolve psychological conflict that occurs when our behavior violates our attitudes? Why are we so quick to blame others for their behavior while offering excuses for our own? What should we make of the talking heads on cable TV who argue about the cause of TV violence on children's behavior - whose explanation is correct? Why are reality TV shows, some of which portray contestants as pathetic and dysfunctional, so popular?

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