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Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Guide to Healing Chronic Pain, A Holistic Approach

This week's free pick may help you feel better.

Have you been diagnosed with a so-called incurable pain condition like herniated discs, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraine, nerve damage or fibromyalgia?

This free guide can help you:

  1. Discover cutting edge, natural pain relief tools and therapies you can use to heal your pain with or without your doctor's consent
  2. Use inexpensive infra-red acupuncture patches to reduce and eliminate pain symptoms within seconds or minutes
  3. Reduce and reverse the inflammation to your body caused by stress, toxins, trauma and drugs
  4. Re-wire your brain and nervous system to get your body's self-healing mechanisms up and running again
  5. Harness the Law of Attraction and the power of the Mind to remove obstacles to healing
  6. Eliminate negative thoughts and emotional baggage associated with your chronic pain
  7. Reconnect with your Spirit and Higher Self so that your healing can be a joyous journey of self-discovery
  8. Rally the "right" support team to help you heal

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