Kindle Free Pick of the Week - HO! HO! HO! Adventures of a Mall Santa
Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 7:42PM
Rick C.Limpert in Books, Events, Gadgets, Holidays, Internet, Kindle Book, book pick, free ebook book

Just in time for Christmas and the holiday shopping season.

Get an inside look at being a mall Santa.

Yanked from a photo lab to being a mall Santa Claus was a jolt! While reading Christmas books or Santa Clause books or listening to Christmas stories is nice--being a mall Santa was a delight . . . most of the time! Join Santa in his adventures spanning the likes of toddlers to teens to Great Grandma Carol and a few more special folks in between! An uplifting quick read for the Season ending with the traditional “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

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