Father's Day 2014 Gadget Segment on 13 WMAZ in Macon
Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 6:06PM
Rick C.Limpert in CBS, Events, Father's Day gadgets, Gadgets, Holidays, Macon, Sports, Tech, WMAZ, gadgets

It's always great to go on 13 WMAZ in Macon to talk tech.

On 6/1/14, I joined Katelyn Heck to give some great Father's Day Gadget picks.

Father's Day is coming fast. So take a look at a BirdieBox subscription, Mizuno irons, a MyQ, the IronX camera, and a Devereux shirt for Dad.

Article originally appeared on RickLimpert.info (http://ricklimpert.squarespace.com/).
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