Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Bad Habits No More
Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 9:20AM
Rick C.Limpert in Books, Education, Gadgets, Kindle Book, bad habits, book pick, free ebook

Do you: Often snack on junk food, watch too much T.V., spend too much money or binge eat? Wish you could stop smoking or drinking excessively? Have a small (but annoying) habit you'd like to break?

We all have a specific bad habit we'd like to break. Odds are, you've tried in the past and maybe you were successful for a few days. Then something unexpected came up where you slipped for a day or two. One mistake snowballs into a series of setbacks. Eventually you give up on the idea of making a habit change simply because it's too difficult to do.

The interesting thing? We've all experienced this pattern at some point in our lives. Fortunately there's a quick fix: Make a plan for breaking that habit and follow it on a daily basis.

Here's a read to help.

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