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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Kindle Book (245)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Money Book for Kids

It's never too early for your kids to start learning about money.

Alan Holt does a great job here. Whether you are a new parent or whether you are thinking about becoming one, you should know that a child holds a great responsibility and that raising him/her will make you face a lot of challenges.

If you want to make sure that your child will be successful in life and that he/she will have a strong set of values, take a look at the suggestions and pieces of advice which are given out in this book.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: The Best of Pointless Conversations

Pointless Conversations: The Best of Issues 1-6

Packed with cartoon laughs, stupid ideas and the utterly ridiculous, this compilation of extracts from the first six issues features the best of Pointless Conversations, as well as some fresh material. The hand-picked topics discussed by the two loveable idiots involve:

Is Superman a cowardly alien? (taken from Superheroes)

Is Back to the Future's Doc Brown a time travelling psychopath? (taken from Doctor Emmet Brown)

What is an ionising bulb, and does it actually harness the power... and more


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Coconut Oil Bible

I heard on TV last night the pundits talking about coconut oil and how it can be good for you, so thought I would make this my pick this week.

A review:

I found the book Coconut Oil Bible to be extremely informative and useful. I really enjoyed the comparison of coconut oil to other oils, I enjoyed the step-by-step explanation of how coconut oil is made and used, and I really enjoyed the difference in learning what each type of coconut oil does. It fascinates me how coconut oil can be used for so many different things, many of which I would've never known about until I read this book! This book is a new favorite of mine on my iPhone Kindle and I will continue to reference that everyone I know for any ailment there is because, apparently coconut oil can help with everything!


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Remove Negative Thinking...

Remove Negative Thinking will help you to be mindful and to tap into the power of positive thinking so that you can identify what you want and achieve any goal that you set for yourself. By reading this book, you will discover how to end the habit of negative thinking, by harnessing mindfulness and other positive thinking techniques.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week: 30 Days

A thriller free pick this week.

Abused by her husband. Dealing with the loss of her only sister. A suicide attempt that doesn't end in death and a husband who wants her inheritance. Elle’s life is a catastrophe. But she has a list and thirty things she’s determined to accomplish. Love isn't on that list but it comes crashing unexpectedly into her life.

Ryan’s current lifestyle requires a lot of funds, he likes his toys. He married his wife knowing she had a hefty inheritance and is bent on securing it for himself by any means possible.

It goes from there...