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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in tennis (182)


Omni Rancho Las Palmas

Staying part of the week at the beautiful Omni Racho Las Palmas near where the BNP Paribas Open will be played in Indain Wells.

I only arrived here last night, but the place is spread out and gorgeous. The staff was very helpful and can't wait to take in the entire resort.


More on Tennis' Fast4 Scoring System

The Fast4 scoring system is sure getting a lot of press and generating a lot of talk.


Rick's "12 Days of Christmas" for 2014 - Day 10: Wilson Pro Staff RF97 Autograph Tennis Racquet

The racquet Roger Federer helped design and uses.

Brand new for 2014.

  • Headsize: 97 square inches / Length: 27 inches
  • Weight (unstrung): 12.1 oz / 342 grams (strung): 12.6 oz / 357 grams
  • Balance (strung): 9 Points Head Light / 31 cm
  • String Pattern: 16 Mains x 19 Crosses



A Wrap on the 2014 Tennis Classic of Macon

What a great tournament this year. We had great weather, a great field and exciting finals matches.

Here is a pic of the staff of the 2014 Tennis Classic of Macon including yours truely. Photo taken by ace photog, Tom Grason.

For more photos from the event, you can check out


Chuck Hakansson

Always love to have the number 1 racquet stringer in the country being my cellmate in Macon again this week.

Chuck Hakansson's fingers glide over a racquet stringing machine like a harpest playing "Ave Maria"

I don't trust anyone else to string my racquets and Chuck truely is one of my favorite people.