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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in The Sully Show (9)


My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 5/1/14 Talking Tech Topics

I joined Sully again this week to talk the tech topics of the week. Always a blast!

Have a listen:


My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 4/24/14 Talking Tech and Google Glass

Back on "The Sully Show" on 640 WGST to talk tech and what was going on with Google Glass in Indianapolis at the Hawks and Pacers game.


My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" 4/17/14 Talking Tech

Joining Sully again on WGST this week to talk tech topics and my experience playing golf with Sergio Garcia and Justin Rose with 15-inch cups.

Have a listen:


My Appearance on WGST's "The Sully Show" to Talk Heartbleed and More

Jumped on for a few minutes with my good friend Sully on 640 am in Atlanta's "The Sully Show" to talk the Heartbleed Virus and more tech.

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