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Every Tuesday morning between 9 and 9:30 am eastern time I will join Brian Katrek for "Tech Tuesday" on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio - Channel No. 93

We'll talk gadgets and tech, on and off the course.


Entries in Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio (40)


Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 9/24/13 - New iPhone Accessories and the App of the Month

* TOPICS - The new iPhones went on sale last Friday... Rick takes a look at some of the new accessories available  and the "App of the Month"

Have a listen to the frivolity:

1.  Cases Made By Apple

5C - A colorful mesh-style plastic case. This costs $29 and comes in the same five colors as the phone itself, so you can either match the phone or mix it up with a secondary color. There's also a black option if you want to tone things down a bit

5S- Made of leather on the outside and protective microfiber on the inside, and come in softer colors like yellow, peach, etc  for $49

2.   Book Book iPhone Wallet Case $59

It's a case, it's a wallet  -  all in one
It’s the best implementation of a wallet/case combination I have seen, especially now that it has a camera hole for the iPhone 5 model. While there are many case/wallet combos on the market, and I have tried quite a few, the BookBook remains my favorite because it’s rugged, stylish and has a place to carry cash.


3.    Pivot Power Mini Outlet Adapter  -  $24.99

A wall adapter with a plug for everything.

Only the newest homes these days come with built-in USB adapters in the wall. Our outlets simply weren’t designed for the type of power-hungry lives we all lead today. (Our descendants will wonder how we lived.) Enter this handy little adapter that doubles the plugs of any outlet it encounters and adds two USB ports. Great for an office, bedroom, kitchen or for throwing in your travel bag.

4.  PhotoJoJo iPhone Lenses  $20-$50

PhotoJoJo Fisheye, Telephoto, Wide Angle and Macro Lenses are like pro-lenses for your phone!

Each is crafted out of solid aluminum and outfitted with thick, high-clarity glass. They’ve been factory tested by hand and inspected to ensure the utmost optical perfection.
How it works: each set comes with adhesive removable metal rings. The ring sticks to the back of your phone, and the Photojojo Lens attaches magnetically. Snap it on and off in an instant!

We've also included two extra-strong rings specially designed for the iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 5 (they stick to glass and won't block the flash or back mic).

5.   The Armpocket  - for Fitness Buffs  $29.95
 You can comfortably and confidently carry your essentials, including your phone and case. Multiple inside compartments guard your valuables and a low-profile audio port lets you easily and securely connect your headphones. Great for the gym, school, shopping or traveling — anytime you need a dry, hands-free, secure and comfy carrying solution.

This model features two head-phone outlets, one on the bottom left and one on the bottom right, compatible with all phones including iPhone 5/5S/5C.


App of the Month

Errands (To Do List) app   -  Free

Errands is a task manager with a pleasing design and is easy to learn and use. Crafted with a blend of basic and advanced features: Folders, Checklists, Task Images, Scheduling & Repeating, Alerts (alarms), Automatic Badge Updating, Calendar View, Mail Tasks, Multiple View Modes.
Keep all your appointments, send yourself alerts, etc

Mail tasks (single tasks as well as entire folders).

• You can select from a built-in collection of image icons, choose a photo from your library, or take a new photo to customize your tasks.

• A unique feature allows notes to be viewed as a checklist. This shopping lists, multi-step tasks, particularly handy for small


Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 9/17/13 - Wolfdancer/Lost Pines and Cleaning Your Gadgets

* TOPICS - Rick is busy and he's at Wolfdancer Golf Club in Austin, TX      and tips for cleaning your gadgets

Have a listen:

1.  Wolfdancer and the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort  in Austin, TX

One of the top courses and resorts in Texas
A cool course connected to a fantastic resort
Not your typical "resort" course   -  this course is tough

***Tips for cleaning our gadgets

2.   Always turn it off before cleaning

Before you attack your tech, turn off everything you plan to clean. If it is plugged into a power source, go ahead and unplug it, just to be safe.

3.    Cyber Clean -   $5-10

Do you ever have your lunch on the computer or sip a soda while you type? Then it should interest you that the average computer keyboard – not to mention the equipment you share with others – is dirtier than a public toilet. Or take the average cell phone: a quick swab of the surface would most likely reveal an array of bacteria, even traces of excrement.
Over time, keyboards accumulate a high level of harmful dirt—hair, dead skin cells, food particles and dust, much of it trapped in crevices between the keys. Until now, there has been no effective way to remove all this debris. Cyber Clean changes all that.

Food crumbs, spilled drinks and dust settle into the small crevices of everyday objects and electronic equipment, forming an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Cyber Clean Home & Office is a unique cleaning compound designed especially for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and surfaces not reached by conventional cleaning solutions. It is based on natural ingredients and is proven to eliminate more than 99 percent of germs commonly found on different surfaces. It protects against harmful bacteria and promotes a healthy living environment.

4.  Dryer Sheets

Dusty cooling fans can cause your computer to overheat. Believe it or not, dryer sheets are a great option for cleaning them out and anything else inside your computer.


5.   Hurricane 2 Canless Air System   $9.99 and up

100% breathable, safe air to clean anything
No chemicals, frostbite, or residue - just air
Industrial Version: 200 mph blast! Shoot at any angle!

6.  Cotton Swabs

Work great for cleaning in between the keys on your keyboard and the ports on your desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

7.  Zagg Foam and Zagg Wipes

  Antibacterial cleaner gets your favorite devices sparkling clean and microbe free
    Helps prevent skin oil buildup

Zagg Wipes
    A portable and mess-free solution for cleaning your gadgets
    Dry Feel Technology cleans without leaving streaks
    Easily removes dirt, skin oils, germs, makeup, and more
    15 wipes per pack



Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 9/3/13 - Internet Scams and How to Avoid Them

Rick and Brian talk some golf and then how to avoid thos internet scams that keep popping up.

Have a listen:


* TOPICS - Rick is back from Destin where he was able to play "The Links"  and the long Labor Day Weekend right now  and he takes a look at some Internet Scams and how to avoid them

*Internet Scams*
Some of those old internet scams are still being used along with some new ones. Don't fall for these internet scams!
*Never give out your passwords, SS#, Bank Acct Numbers or personal info.

1.   The Nigerian Prince

Yes, some people must still fall for this
Nigeria, oh, Nigeria. You probably know the scam, already. A Nigerian prince/widow/businessman/ orphan/king writes to you saying he must deposit a vast amount of money in the U.S. while he deals with political issues, and he would like to use your account to do so. He’ll even pay you a nice sum to make it happen!
Except he needs a deposit from you to make sure he knows you are legit. And something bad is going to eventually happen, requiring more money from you than just the original deposit. Oh, and you’ll never see this money again. Basically, if it’s from Nigeria, don’t even open the email. There are plenty of variations of the old scam to go around.

2.   1-900 Numbers

It’s time for the phone interview — your new employer just wants you to call in, though. A 1-900 number? You’ve probably never heard of one. There’s a good reason for that. 1-900 numbers aren’t toll-free. Much like any pay-to-talk phone line (think of something along the lines of those “singles chat lines” you see on late night TV), 1-900 numbers charge you for however long you stay on them.
Scammers use these numbers to have unwitting victims call in while they cash in. Of course, some of the fees go to your phone company, but a big chunk of it ends up in the scammer’s pockets, too.

3.   The "can we use your bank account" scam

Much like receiving an advance on your first paycheck, some scammers will hire you as a “financial manager” to cash checks and then wire the money abroad (or wherever they may be). Unfortunately, the checks are completely worthless, but your bank won’t know that until it’s too late. To make matters worse, your name will be the one tied to things, and unfortunately, you’ll be responsible for everything.

With that said, just ignore anything that requires you to use your personal bank account for anything. Don’t do it. Just don’t.

4. You’ll Need To Pay A Registration Fee First scam

The classic “pay to start” scam comes in yet another form. This time around, you have to pay a non-refundable registration fee. It’s quite simple, really. Pay a small amount (say, $50?) to apply, turn in your application, and wait to hear back from the head honcho.
However, you may hear from the head honcho, and you may not hear from the head honcho. Either way, though, you’re not getting the job. You’ll either just not receive a response or you will get one saying you didn’t get the job. Bummer, man.

5.  The "Lottery" scam

This scam will usually come in the form of a conventional email message. It will inform you that you won millions of dollars and congratulate you repeatedly. The catch: before you can collect your “winnings”, you must pay the “processing” fee of several thousands of dollars.

Stop! You won't be a winner in this lotter, go to Quik Trip and buy a scartch off, it's a better invenstment.  Once you realize you have been suckered into paying $3000 to a con man, they are long gone with your money. Do not fall for this lottery scam.


6.   Travel or Cruise Scams
These scams are most active during the summer and fall months. You receive an email with the offer to get amazingly low fares to some exotic destination but you must book it today or the offer expires that evening. If you call, you’ll find out the travel is free but the hotel rates are highly overpriced.

Some can offer you rock-bottom prices but hide certain high fees until you “sign on the dotted line”. Others, in order to give you the “free” something, will make you sit through a timeshare pitch at the destination. Still others can just take your money and deliver nothing.

Also, getting your refund, should you decide to cancel, is usually a lost cause, often called a nightmare or mission-impossible.


Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 8/27/13 - Gadgets From the PGA Expo in Las Vegas

Rick and Brian talk about some of the newly released gadgets that were shown at last week's PGA Expo in Las Vegas.  And of course, we get Brian's opinion.

Have a listen:

Show notes:

* TOPICS - Gadgets from the PGA Fall Show in Vegas and our "App of the Month"

The PGA Show that just wrapped up is a smaller version of the big PGA Merchandise Show held in Orlando in January

200 vendors hit Vegas

Let take a look at some of the gadgets from last week's Las Vegas Show and get Brian's opinion.

1.  GloveCaddie

The Glove Caddie is a revolutionary glove management solution that allows you to easily keep track of glove while also allowing it to air dry. No more wet, sweaty glove so you get more use out of your glove before needing to replace it. No more losing your glove because it slipped out of your pocket, the Glove Caddie has you covered.

2.   The Laser Putt:   $159  pre order now

Robert Schmok has tried for three years to find a laser training aid for putting. And he may have it. This small device emits three lasers in two colors that will help you with your alignment, calibration of your backstroke and your visualization of the putter head. It's actually a pretty simple concept. But it looks cool and it really seems to work. I gotta get me one.


3.  Kentwool's new compression sock - "The Graduate"

The Graduate promotes proper circulation and relieves foot and leg fatigue, as well as cramps during and after rounds. Additionally, inspired by the brand's crest, KENTWOOL added three new patterns to its acclaimed 19th Hole collection.
The Graduate ($40 MSRP) is available in natural and black.


4.  New grips from CHAMP

Extensive research and development led to the creation of four "full swing" grip options - C2, C4, C6 and C8 - and the C1 putter grip. Each is designed with a strong emphasis on technical innovation and game-improving performance, while incorporating attractive designs and colors. The numerical ascension helps consumers and retailers quickly identify and differentiate models, from the entry level C2 through the premium C8. Highlight features of each model include:

• C8 ($15.99) - Most advanced technology and highest grade materials, including a new optimum feel Japanese Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) compound infused with Kevlar® for unmatched torque control and incredible wear resistance. Unique to C8, a 13-piece performance set is customized for different aspects of the game - power (woods/hybrids), control (low to mid irons) and feel (scoring clubs).

• C6 ($9.99) - Two-tone rubber grip available in non-cord, half-cord and full-cord options, designed with extra support to dampen vibration and provide repeatable performance in all weather conditions.

• C4 ($5.99) - All rubber grip with unique texture and hand position guidelines for repeatable performance. Available in black, white, blue and green.

• C2 ($3.99) - Excellent replacement grip at a value price, featuring diamond design pattern for great comfort and control. Offered in black, white, blue and red.

• C1- Available in small ($12.99), medium ($17.99) and large ($19.99) sizes, to assist in stabilizing the putting stroke and minimized wrist breakdown. Made from supersoft, polyurethane in a popular pistol grip shape, with diamond and line grip pattern for extra control.

5.  Sun SafeTee  - Not so much a product, but a cause

Rick's dad is a skin cancer survivor
The Sun SafeTee Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit sun protection and skin cancer awareness program designed specifically for the golf community. The program provides educational seminars to golf professionals and the public and distributes sun protection information and sunscreen samples at various golf events. Sun SafeTee is a partner with The First Tee, the Golf Coaches Association of America and the Women's Golf Coaches Association and the American Junior Golf Association. The organization also has the endorsement of the public health initiative Doctors Orders: Play Golf. To learn more about The Sun SafeTee Program or to make a tax deductible donation visit Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Rick's App of the month

It's still August, so Rick is getting his app of the month in just under the wire
The USGA Rules of Golf app ($3.99 for both iOS and Android)

The United States Golf Association is pleased to present the official iPhone application for the 2012-2014 editions of “The Rules of Golf” and “Decisions on The Rules of Golf,” as well as “Rules of Amateur Status.”

The Rules of Golf app is for you if you are an avid golfer looking for instant access to the official Rules and Decisions so you can play the game by the Rules and resolve disputes quickly. With this application, you'll answer pressing golf questions in seconds, such as:

•When is a ball considered lost?
•Can you stand out of bounds when making a stroke?
•How do you deal with a ball that lands close to a dangerous situation, like a rattlesnake or a beehive?

If you still have questions on a particular situation, e-mail the USGA directly from the application to receive expert advice-  I bet you get your answer quicker than they did in the Solheim Cup.


Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 8/20/13 - Gadgets For the Dorm Room

Brian and I go back to college- or at least talk about gadgets that would be great in a dorm room.

* TOPICS - Gadgets for the Dorm Room or Small Apartment
Students all over the country are moving into their dorm rooms or small apartments this week.  Here are some tech gadgets for those looking to save space in their dorm or apt.

1.    Dyson Bladeless Fan

Every student needs to bring along a fan.

10 inch table fan generates a constant flow of smooth air for personal cooling. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in and amplify air 15 times. There are no fast-spinning blades, so AM01 is safe and easy to clean. Airflow is fully adjustable, and there’s oscillation and touch tilt


2.   Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock ($40)

Worried about missing early classes? With humongous sound and a vibrating bed-shaker device, this "Sonic Bomb" will wake you (and your roommate) up on time, guaranteed, no mater how hungover or tired you are.

3.  Satechi Smart LED Desk Lamp ($99)

When you pull an all-nighter because procrastinating seemed like a good idea at the time, a dependable desk lamp is a necessity. This one from Satechi has a built-in USB charger, dimmer touch controls and a long-lasting LED bulb, plus a timer so -- even if you fall asleep in your textbook -- you'll at least save energy.

4  Sticky Door Mat  $50-60

These unique mats are now available to protect many types of carpeted or hard surface floors in the home. Tracked in dirt on the shoes of family members or guests will no longer be a problem. Floors will stay cleaner and you won't have to say, “please wipe your feet” or “please take off your shoes”.
Sticky Mats come in different sizes and shapes, colors and designs.
With a Sticky Mat at the doorway, the dirt and grime gets automatically stuck to the mat. Kids love to see the footprints magically left behind on the mat

5  iShower   $99

Bring Your Music in the Shower, Poolside, Beach, Spa or Backyard –
Soak in the Sound & Lather Up with Your Favorite Artist
Don’t Damage your Phone -- Keep Your Device Safe & Dry Away from the Water –
iShower Speaker is Compatible to 200 Feet with Any Bluetooth Audio-Streaming Phone, Tablet or Computer - Including iPad, iPhone, iPod & Android
    Play/pause/forward/rewind & volume functions.

•         200-foot range -- leave your device anywhere in your home, away from potential water damage.

•         15 hours of streaming audio on 3 AA batteries (included).

•         Water resistant.

•         Clock time display.

•         Easy installation with “Grab-n-Go” mount (no tools needed).

•         Detaches, easy to use on the go

6.  Pivot Power Jr.  - $25.99

Keeping all your gadgets juiced can be a challenge in a small room with limited sockets. The Pivot Power Junior will help, while its space-saving design means it can fit in awkward spaces.