Tech Tuesday on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio for 4/9/13

This week we talk about golf simulators and the Masters 2013 app for iOS and Android.
A lot of laughs, a lot of fun.

Every Tuesday morning between 9 and 9:30 am eastern time I will join Brian Katrek for "Tech Tuesday" on Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio - Channel No. 93
We'll talk gadgets and tech, on and off the course.
This week we talk about golf simulators and the Masters 2013 app for iOS and Android.
A lot of laughs, a lot of fun.
Fun segment today talking about robots in golf.
Have a listen:
Great time with Brian this week talking everything smartphones.
Have a listen:
A great "Tech Tuesday" where Brian and I discuss some gadgets to keep you connected and your devices fully charged. We save the best for last when we talk about a Bluetooth wireless showerhead.
Have a listen and a few laughs:
A big segment today as Brian and I talk about travel gadgets and a great travel app you should have if you travel internationally. A great Tech Tuesday to you all.
Have a listen: