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Entries by Rick C.Limpert (43)


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 2: Dan Saknini

This week we talk fishing and fishing technology with tournament fisherman Dan Saknini.

Our Guest
Dan Saknini is a tournament fisherman who lives on Lake Lanier in Georgia. He is a former President of The Lanier Striper Club and is current President and co-founder of the Lanier Crappie Angler’s Club. He’s the winner of the 2008-2009 and the 2010-2011 Lanier Striper Club Pro Class Cumulative Tournament. Dan also is the co-founder of the Lanier Striper Club Fun Fest, and he has worked with the Corps of Engineers on numerous conservation projects. He also helps promote fishing to kids, seniors and those with special needs. A hosting captain for the Atlanta Falcons/Wounded Warrior Annual Outing on Lake Lanier, Dan is my “go to” guy when it comes to everything fishing.

I've received tremendous response on the interview with Dan Saknini. 

Give it a listen and thanks to Dan for being on the show.

Link to the show:


"The Tech of Sports" Episode 1: Scott Salzman

Scott Salzman is the President of BrightSpot Solutions, a product development and innovation company. Scott is a prolific inventor and has been successfully marketing his inventions for nearly a decade. From the multiple award winning “Spotless Paw“, Dog Paw Cleaning Glove to the Spotless Swing golf towel, his products have been seen on the Today Show, Good Morning America, the CBS Early show and have been written up in magazines from Real Simple to Golf Digest.

Scott talks about the SpotlessSwing Golf Towel, patents, inventing and the PGA Merchandise Show.

Link to Episode 1:


The Tech of Sports

Every Wednesday night at 7 pm eastern time, feel free to come to and listen to "The Tech of Sports" radio show.

Following the show it can also be downloaded and available at iTunes.


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