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Entries in Rick Limpert (2)


The Fam Trip Field Guide by Rick Limpert

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Best-Selling Author Documents His Year as a Sports Travel Writer

Nation’s Top Sports Technology Writer Offers Tips on Becoming a Travel Writer

WOODSTOCK, Georgia, (December 22, 2014) Rick Limpert was perfectly content being a sports technology and general technology writer, until an email in February of 2013 offered an intriguing new opportunity.

Limpert was invited on a Familiarization trip (Fam trip) to a great golf destination to not only play a couple rounds of golf, but also see how this destination is trying to attract tourists from the United States and Canada to experience golf, gaming and regional culinary offerings.

Following his first Fam trip, Limpert felt there was no other option to add travel writing to his freelance arsenal.

“I was told my audience is aged 25-55, married, has a household income of over $100,000 and takes one or more golf/sports-related trips or vacations a year,” explained Limpert, who has had pieces featured in Sports Illustrated, Tennis Magazine and is a regular contributor to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Limpert admits that just over three years ago he didn’t even know these trips or an opportunity like this existed.

“Even though I’ve only added travel pieces to my freelance projects for about two years, I feel I have some advice to pass on,” adds Limpert. “There are other writers that been doing these trips for over 20 years and have been around the world numerous times, but hopefully I offer a fresh perspective and others can learn from my experiences.”

Limpert said that although these trips are largely to tourist destinations and well organized, this is work.

“I can understand why others may think this is a vacation, but the days are long and many of the writers are still “on the clock” writing other pieces early in the morning or long into the night.”

Limpert gives tips like to “be prepared” and educate yourself about your next destination before your arrive. File or submit multiple pieces from your trip, each with a unique angle. Also, be grateful and show appreciation and thanks to your hosts as they work months and some an entire year planning out every detail of your visit.

“It’s a two-way street,” states Limpert. “Your have to get your stories and the hosts and PR professionals have a job to show off their client and property or destination.”


The Invaluable Experience by Danielle Lao and Rick Limpert


The Invaluable Experience by Danielle Lao and Rick Limpert

Danielle Lao, a two-time All American tennis player at USC explains why playing college tennis was a time in her life she will never forget and why playing college sports is an "Invaluable Experience."

A must read for anyone interested in playing college sports and for those that have had that "Invaluable Experience," it's a chance to relive one of the greatest times in their lives.

Having just graduated in 2013, Lao gives advice based on her own experiences and gives a glimpse into life on the pro tour.

Lao teams up with writer Rick Limpert to let you into her life as a student athlete at one of the top programs in the country.

*Check out "The Invaluable Experience" the website at