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Podcast Profile: Len Edgerly of The Kindle Chronicles

With the holiday shopping season approaching and a legion of e-book readers either being released or soon to be shipped, there is no better time to pay homage to a podcast about the e-book gadget that got everyone excited back in 2007, The Amazon Kindle.

Each week an entire community of Amazon Kindle e-book fans eagerly anticipate Friday for the next installment of The Kindle Chronicles Podcast.

Journalist, Len Edgerly takes us along for the ride each and every week. Let me mention that Len has not missed a week of recording his podcast since the inception in July, 2008. It's an almost unheard streak in the Podcast Universe that rivals Cal Ripken's consecutive game streak in baseball.

Len has guests sharing the stage with him each episode, but he's the quarterback that makes the offense go. From giving us a short update on the weather or the happenings of Cambridge, MA or Denver, CO where he splits his time with his wife and dog; Len covers the news of everything Kindle and the current state of the e-book world.

The Kindle Chronicles tech tip of the week gets Len or another Kindle enthusiast to pass along a tip or trick that they may have discovered. Past helpful hints include keyboard shortcuts and using your Kindle for more than just reading.

Len also usually spotlights some particular content each week. It could be covering a new release like Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, or my favorite; free or almost free content.

Past guests have included the likes of Ian Freed of Amazon, and Bufo Calvin, a frequent poster on The Amazon Kindle Forum.

Closing out the show each week, Len reads e-mails from his loyal listeners and sometimes plays audio comments or questions. All in all, the hour I spend listening to TKC each week is sometimes my favorite and most productive hour. If you are into e-books or e-readers, this should be a must listen each and every week.

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Reader Comments (1)

Rick, this is a great profile of the podcast - much appreciated! As a journalist, I can say you got every detail right - this is a fine piece. As a podcaster, this really warmed my heart, to have a listener go to this much work to help spread the word. Thanks very much!

November 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLen Edgerly

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