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Kindle Free Pick of the Week: Look What Santa Brought

As we get closer to Christmas the Kindle Store appears to releasing more free picks with a holiday theme.  This week, it's number 1 in the Kindle Store under romance and anthologies. 

It's Look What Santa Broughtby Annmarie McKenna. I have to admit this type of book is not my cup of tea, but many might enjoy a romance thriller.  The books features a popular character from McKenna's other books, Scott Wyatt.

Recap:  He is looking for the love of his life, she is looking for a little refuge. A story from The Perfect Gift. Scott Wyatt knows what he wants for Christmas and it comes in a beautiful-voiced, make-his-heart-race, more than tempting package. If only he could see her. Tara Patrick needs a man to make her ex see the light. But when her best friend-s gorgeous brother offers himself for the job, she has to say no. How could she possibly use the blind man who makes her heart flutter and not get hurt in the process? Staring at the business opportunity of a lifetime, Tara finds herself living as close to Scott as one can without sharing a bed. Tara-s ex isn't happy and he sets out to prove he won-t lose her. But when darkness falls, which man has the advantage, because Scott isn't willing to let Tara go either.

It's free, give it a try.



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