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Podcast Profile: The Adam Carolla Podcast

When most people think of Adam Carolla they know him for one of three things. Many people my age remember back to when Adam co-hosted The Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel. Generation X'ers recall Adam for his tenure on Love Lines with Dr. Drew. But buy far, many more people know Adam as the funny, loveable, but lacking any dancing ability on Dancing with the Stars where he partnered up with Julianne Hough.

But Adam's latest venture may be his best yet. This February, Adam launched a daily podcast featuring Adam with famous and not so famous guests. The podcast is available for download on iTunes or through his site at

From day one the podcast was a hit. The first episode was downloaded 250,000 times in its first 24 hours.It is not uncommon for the Carolla Podcast to have over 500,000 downloads. Amazing numbers for a podcast, it speaks volumes about Adam's loyal followers.

Adam's guests run the gamut from longtime friends like Dr.Drew and comedian Larry Miller. Adam mixes it up with musical guests like Michael Anthony of Van Halen and Dan Finnerty. But Adam may be at his best when he knows very little about his guests. I reference his September 4 podcast with up and coming actress Katy Mixon. Adam is honest about not knowing much about Mixon and her career, but he put her at ease and they talked like old friends for a good hour. Other great episodes include an interview with a wacked out Bai Ling and the always entertaining Paul Shaffer.

Branching out after the initial success of The Adam Carolla Podcast, Adam launched CarCast, a weekly podcast on Adam's favorite topic, cars. CarCast can be heard here: .

One other note to mention is Adam's loyalty and care for his friends. When Carolla friend and radio personality Bald Bryan was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Adam and his gang sprung into action to help raise money for his cause. To help Bald Bryan you can go to for more information.


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