Dancing With the Stars Rock Week: Live Blog

Last week's TV theme songs are a distant memory at this point. The couples this week will be rocking out to two different dances. It's Rock Week on Dancing With the Stars.
The show began this week by recapping some of the best dances from past seasons. The top dance from the past was the free style Cheryl and Drew Lachey did all the way back in season 2. Didn't think people would remember that one. Next up Rock Week, complete with electric guitars and pyro. Should be a spectacle. First up are Audrina and Tony. They will be doing a paso doble to "Another One Bites the Dust." I don't think Audrina will bit the dust this week with that performance. Len wants to see more from Audrina as he still thinks she has the potential to win this competition. Audrina gets three 8's for a 24 total. Up next Kyle and Lacey. Kyle had the lowest score last week, but he was saved by the fan's voting. He has to improve this week to stay on the show. This week Kyle dances a tango. it was a good dance and an improvement over last week. A 23 for Kyle this week. Next onto Jennifer and Derek. Derek actually has a tough job with Jennifer preparing some of these dances. She has had a previous neck injury, and that can come into play with some of the difficult dances. Jennifer did get a little wild with this rough dance. She is trying to do too much and it is hurting her dancing. A disappointing 20 for Jennifer.
Rick and Cheryl are in a tough spot now. Should they stay conservative, or try and push it up a notch? They attempted a tough routine and came through ok. Rick does a good job keeping up with Cheryl. The couple gets a 24.
This is a huge dance for Bristol and Mark. The judges have been begging Bristol to take chances. So far she has been as conservative as her Mother, but she has a tango this week. She did great, much improvement and lots of praise for Bristol. A 23 for Bristol.
I'm excited to see what Kurt Warner has planned this week. He was good last week, but i think he can be even better. The judges called the routine "awkward", but the audience disagreed. A low score of 18 for Kurt and Anna. Last up before the dance marathon are Maks and Brandy. Brandy was almost perfect last week, and this week it was great again. Bruno compared Brandy to Tina Turner. The pair gets a 26. The final segment of the show featured the first dance marathon of the season. Maks and Brandy capped off a great night by winning the dance marathon and 10 points. It doesn't look good for Kurt Warner heading into tomorrow night.

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