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Favre's Shoulder May Put Him on the Shelf

It's never a good thing when you have to visit, or a call is made to Dr. James Andrews.

In an effort to remain in the news, Brett Favre says his shoulder is now ailing and it could be a similar injury, wear and tear on the rotator cuff that was shaved during the previous surgery.

Favre is now going to call Dr. James Andrews, and if he needs to send a text message relating to the shoulder, we all know Favre knows how to use the SMS feature of his phone to do that.

The 41-year-old Vikings quarterback experienced a sharp pain there while putting on a T-shirt at practice Saturday and there was discussion about taking a pain-killing injection to play against the Bears, but that was dismissed. 

Favre made it through the game fine, but he didn't throw many deep balls, and one he did to Percy Harvin was badly underthrown. 

Favre, who has started an NFL-record 294 consecutive games, told reporters twice earlier in the season that he would be willing to sit out of a game if the pain was too great, but I can't imagine him not on the field when his 3-6 Vikes take on the Packers in Minnesota this week.

It's more than likely Favre will have an MRI early this week and they will go from there.  The way he is playing, I tend to think he is hurt.

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