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'Dancing With the Stars' : Bristol Silences the Critics and Has No Regrets

It's been a tough week to be Bristol Palin. Last Tuesday, when Bristol earned the final spot in this week's finals, it seemed there was a universal outcry as Brandy was eliminated.

While the Palin voters and fans have remained mostly out of the fray, there was a lot of pressures on Bristol as she prepared to dance this week. Not only with learning new dances, she also had to deal with the fall out of a mysterious white powder being sent to the ABC studios in Los Angeles that insiders said was supposed to be delivered to Palin. The white substance ended up being baby powder and police were conducting an investigation.

That brings us to tonight's dances. Bristol and Mark Ballas knocked their first routine out of the ballpark. Some extra coaching from Bruno paid off as the couple earned three 9's from the judges. Overall, a very strong performance.

Wow, the scores are great tonight. Up next for Bristol is her freestyle. They will be dancing to a song from the Broadway show, Chicago. Bristol says she has motivation to prove the doubters wrong. I almost thought I was watching a scene from Chicago. The dance was cute and fun. From week one, each and every week, Bristol kept enjoying herself more and more.

Give her a 10 for dancing in a cage. The judges gave her a 25 out of 30 for this effort. Bristol seemed pleased, Mark seem pleased and Palin fans and Tea Partiers are getting their dialing fingers ready.

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November 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteragee watch

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