Kindle Free Pick of the Week- Fang: A MAXIMUM RIDE NOVEL
Don't confuse this with being a free book, this is a free preview.
For years, Max has been desperately on the run from evil forces trying to prevent her from her destiny to save the world -- but nothing has ever rocked her world like this horrifying prophetic message . Fang is Max-s best friend, her soul mate, her partner in leading the flock of winged children. A life without Fang is unimaginable. Max-s desperate desire to protect Fang brings the two closer than ever. But their world is turned upside down yet again when another winged boy, the beautiful Dylan, is introduced into the flock. Raised in a lab, like the flock, he exists for only one reason: He was created to be Max-s perfect other half.
I'm told if you like Patterson, you will like this book. Give it a try to see if you want to by the whole thing.
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