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Can a Vintage Commodore VIC-20 Send a Tweet?

We will find out on Saturday.

I had one, you may have had a VIC-20 as well. 

The Personal Computer Museum is proud to make history on Saturday, February 20, 2010 with Twitter and the Commodore VIC-20. You too can be part of history as we put one of the lowest powered personal computers onto the Internet, and more specifically, with Twitter. The software is on cassette tape and runs on an unexpanded VIC-20 with only 5K of RAM. To put this in perspective, an average PC today runs at 3000 MHz and contains 2,097,152 KB. That means the average computer today has 419,430 times the memory power and at least 3000 times the speed of the VIC-20!

More VIC-20 specs:

Processor: MOS 6502, 1 MHz.
RAM memory: 5 kbyte
ROM memory: 20 kbyte (Basic, Kernal, Characters)
Co-Processor Grafix and Sound: VIC
Connections: Expansion port, User port, Serial port, Datassette, Joystick, TV, Video, Sound, power supply.

With the VIC-20 Commodore ruled the home computer market. The VIC-20 was produced from 1980/1981 until 1984.



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