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Tropical Storm Hermine Brings Rain and Lots of it to Texas

Tropical Storm Hermine crossed the Rio Grande River into south Texas with high winds and heavy rain after making landfall in northeastern Mexico hours earlier, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

The storm was about 65 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, Texas, at 4 a.m Tuesday morning.

Hermine’s sustained winds dropped to 50 miles per hour from near hurricane-force when it crossed the coast about 40 miles south of Brownsville. The rain-laden storm is expected to weaken further as it moves from Texas northward into Oklahoma over the next day or so, the center said.

Hermine, the eighth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, may bring as much as 8 inches of rain to northeastern Mexico and southern Texas with isolated areas getting as much as a foot of precipitation.


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