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Atlanta Tennis Championships Doubles Entry List Released

A sixteen team doubles draw will also be contested at the Atlanta Tennis Championships.

The initial entry list was released today.

1 Lipsky, Scott (USA)/Ram, Rajeev (USA) 68
2 Melo, Marcelo (BRA)/Murray, Jamie (GBR) 80
3 Erlich, Jonathan (ISR)/Ram, Andy (ISR) 97
4 Blake, James (USA)/Isner, John (USA) 119
5 Fleming, Colin (GBR)/Hutchins, Ross (GBR) 124
6 Dimitrov, Grigor (BUL)/Sweeting, Ryan (USA) 125
7 Lu, Yen-Hsun (TPE)/Nishikori, Kei (JPN) 134
8 Devvarman, Somdev (IND)/Huey, Treat Conrad (PHI) 153
9 Fisher, Ashley (AUS)/Huss, Stephen (AUS) 172
10 Bachinger, Matthias (GER)/Moser, Frank (GER) 177

WC - King, Kevin / Bernstein, Drake  (College players from Georgia Tech and Georgia)

Notes on the field:  Lipsky/Ram are having a good 2011.  Murray is coming to Atlanta, Jamie Murray that is.  Blake and Isner teaming up again, they reached the semi's last year.  Fleming and Hutchins are coming off a good Wimbledon showing.

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