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J.R. Smith Takes His Talents and Tattoos to China

NBA player and tattoo fan, J.R. Smith today agreed to play basketball this season in China.  Citing a source, Yahoo said Smith signed a one-year deal with Zhejiang Wanma of the China Basketball Association.

Smith and Nuggets free-agent forward Wilson Chandler are now the two highest-paid players in the Chinese league, according to Yahoo. Neither player can return to play in the NBA until the end of the Chinese season, which lasts through March.

This news came on a day the start of the NBA season was thrown into doubt after players and owners remained divided over the salary cap structure at a key labor meeting. Union leaders and payers met today in Las Vegas and all reports say the union is united.  For now.

I wonder if he has any roon left to get some Chinese symbols tattooed on him.

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