Want to Win the Lottery? Listen to the Radio and Watch TV

Despite nation-wide economic uncertainty, local market consumer research firm Scarborough reveals insights into the demographics and local markets for which dreams of winning big are high. According to this new study, 39% or 91M of all American adults 18+ have purchased a lottery ticket of some sort in the past 30 days.
Some stats for those who won big:
Nearly three quarters (74%) of thesel big winners listened to five or more hours of radio in the past five days.
In addition, 83% watched 10 or more hours of TV in the past seven days.
Not sure if listening to the radio or watching TV made the lottery ticket buyers go out and get a ticket, but it is interesting.
I'm going to watch some more TV, listen to the radio then go buy a lottery ticket.

Reader Comments (1)
"83% watched 10 or more hours of TV in the past seven days." That's interesting! People who buy lottery tickets are watching tv more than they're listening to the radio.