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Average Gas Price Approaching $4 Per Gallon

When will it end?

The price of an average gallon of regular gas surpassed the $3.90 mark Wednesday, it is noteable since the price has of gas has now risen for 19 consecutive days.

The current price compares to the $3.86 level last week. Gas prices were at $3.70 a month ago, and stood at an average of $3.59 last year. The average price is down 20.3 cents, or about 4.93% below the all-time record of $4.114 a gallon set on July 17, 2008.

Gasoline averages more than $4 a gallon in 10 states: Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Oregon and Washington.

Other states are less than 5 cents away from the $4 level.

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