Google Search Tips as Discussed on Sports Radio 92.9 The Game

Google Search Tips
Google handles over 1 billion "searches" each day. How can you get the most out of Google Search
1. Search within a site on Google
You can search a specific website by typing site:and then the name of the web site; no space after the colon.
example - Julio Jones
This is a quick and easy way to search a website especially if the website doesn’t have a very good search feature.
Also works for .gov .edu. biz sites and more...
2. Using "Quotes" to find exact words
You can use quotes ” ” to search for something exactly. So for instance search for “Mitch Evans Experience” those three words appearing exactly together put quotes around it. You can still put other search terms there but it will always make sure that it searches for those three words together.
3. Search a Date Range or Prices
You can also limit the date range for search terms. For instance I can do Georgia Tech Basketball 2010..2013(have the two periods there) and it will search for that range. You can use that for years but you can also use that with numbers like monetary values for searching for prices.
4. Intitle search
You can also use intitle: to search for specific word or words in the title. So for instance I can do intitle:”Atlanta Hawks” and my searches will always have the words Atlanta Hawks in the title of the web page.
5. Definition search
For instance you can use define: and get a dictionary definition from Goggle.
define:foul ball
That works also for currency. So you can say that and then you get a quick currency conversion even with a little chart of the exchange rates.
6. Flight Status
You can get flight status right in Goggle without having to go to a website. All you have to do is know the number for the flight. So let’s type in just a random flight that I looked up and you can see that I get the current flight status for it.
Delta 1034
7. Other quick searches
Goggle also let’s you look up sports scores. So you can basically type a name of a sports team and right there at the top it gives you previous results and the next game. You can jump to various websites, for instance I think this will take you to the NBA website, for those recaps.
You can also search for movie times very easily. Just type the name of the movie and then movie times and then right here at the top of Goggle you will get local movie theater times.
So two last things that you can type. Name of the location and then weather and you get a little weather report here at the top of Goggle and in addition to that you can type in sunrise to get a quick sunrise time and sunset as well.
Also, to answer the question from the listener, Trak Dot is the luggage tracker that will track your luggage when it isn't in your possession.
It's available this month for $49.99.

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