Amanda Beard Talks Motherhood

Seven-time Olympic medalist Amanda Beard is set welcome her second child this summer with husband Sacha Brown. The swimming champion, who is currently sponsored by Aqua Sphere, is already mom to 3-year-old son Blaise.
Amanda opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her prenatal workout regime and encourages all expectant moms to get into the water to “calm and soothe muscles.” She goes on to talk about preparing her son for the new addition and coming up with another “unique name.” Continue reading about Amanda’s hopes for a natural birth and how motherhood taught her self-acceptance.
CBS: Congratulations on your pregnancy! How are you feeling? Have you been experiencing any side effects? Any cravings?
AB: Thank you! I’m feeling great right now; during my first pregnancy I was sick the whole time and felt awful. So far this pregnancy has been a lot easier. I’ve only been sick a few times and I have a lot more energy. We are all so excited to add to our family!
CBS: Do you have a birth plan? Are you hoping for a natural birth? Scheduled C-section? A similar birth to Blaise’s birth?
AB: I’m hoping to have a similar birth as I did with Blaise. I was in labor for a little over 24 hours but he came out healthy and happy so to me it was perfect. A lot of people tell me the second one can come faster so hopefully that will be true and we can cut out some of those painful contraction hours.
CBS: How are you staying fit during your pregnancy? Do you find it challenging to fit in a workout with a preschooler in the house? What are some of your best tips for staying in shape?
AB: With a preschooler at home, I understand firsthand that leaving the house to exercise is not always plausible, so I suggest rolling out a yoga mat at home and practicing along with a prenatal yoga DVD in order to move at your own pace. I also try to make the time to swim while pregnant, and suggest that other expectant mothers do so in order to calm and soothe muscles. Gentle stretches in the shallow end can help alleviate back pain, make you feel weightless and soothe tired muscles. Walking is also great way to add in a cardio exercise while pregnant. You can swap running for a walk around your neighborhood, take your dog out on a stroll or simply find a visually stimulating area to walk around to keep it fun. It’s important to keep exercise a priority during pregnancy, but know that it’s smart to readjust your normal exercise routine so you don’t overstress your body. It can be difficult to feel motivated to work out when you’re not feeling your best, so I always encourage pregnant women to make their workouts as convenient and low-impact as possible.
CBS: Is Blaise excited to be a big brother? How have you been preparing him for the new addition?
AB: Blaise is very excited to a big brother! He keeps telling me that he will hug and kiss the baby, and that he’ll help me take care of the baby…we’ll see if that actually happens! I’m excited to watch Blaise learn the role and responsibilities of being an older sibling. I think we’ll feel like even more complete family unit with our new little one!
CBS: We hear you’re due in July. Do you know the gender? Do you have any names picked out? Are you planning for another unique name like Blaise?
AB: As far as names go we have a couple in mind, but nothing for sure. We will most likely have a unique name like our son Blaise. Picking a name is stressful and fun! It’s a huge responsibility to choose a child’s name for the rest of their life and we are taking it very seriously.
CBS: We hear Aqua Sphere has a great maternity swim suit. Tell us more.
AB: Yes! The Isis suit by Aqua Sphere is made specifically for pregnant women, and I used it to swim for exercise when I was pregnant with Blaise. The suit actually has an expanding belly pocket that will grow with your body, so you can use it throughout your entire pregnancy. It’s also really comfortable and supportive for your hips and bust– who would have thought you could feel fit and confident in a swimsuit while pregnant? It’s the best feeling knowing that you’re doing something good for your body by staying active and feeling great about yourself while doing it!
CBS: What do you think motherhood will be like the second time around? What has motherhood taught you?
AB: Motherhood has taught me a lot about accepting myself; when I became a mom for the first time, it really rearranged my priorities. Now, Blaise is at front of my mind at all times and my most important job is being his mom. I’m so excited about becoming a mom for the second time; everything from dusting off all the baby gear, buying bottles again, it’s all so fun and exciting!
CBS: Do you celebrate Earth Day in your home? Tell us some of the ways you’re teaching Blaise to be eco-friendly. Is this important to you?
AB: We try to be very eco-friendly in our house. We love our planet and have a huge passion for animals and all living creatures. We try to teach our son to respect nature. From the littlest bug to the largest whale, from flowers to cactus. Respect and recycle!!!

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