A Great Feng Shui Posting

Definitely worth a read... from my friend Marjorie Hilliard over at www.fengshuisolutions.com
How to use Feng Shui to have a more successful job hunting experience.
It is worth exploring?
Marjorie says yes…..
Feng Shui is about how the flow of energy around you affects your enthusiasm and creativity. And surprisingly, even what kind of first impression you can present to new career opportunities.
Here’s how you can benefit by using these Feng Shui tips.
- When looking or preparing to enter into a new career opportunity, I recommend taking a good hard look at the area that relates to your ability to learn new information. Equally as important is how you apply the wisdom you already possess. On the Bagua this is shown as the Wisdom/Knowledge area.
This area of the Bagua is generally located immediately to your left as you walk into a room. You can also sit down at your desk and look to your left. This will be the Wisdom/Knowledge area of your desk. So what do you have in this area? Is it cluttered or inaccessible, loaded with old out of date documents or is it empty?
Before embarking on the task of securing a new career, you want to make sure you are properly prepared. You wouldn’t walk into a job interview without first updating your resume and considering what to wear. Equally important is knowing how you want to present yourself and having a clear idea of the outcome you are seeking.
And it is just as important to make sure you prepare the energy around and within you as well. This is the energy you will naturally show and radiate as part of who you are. Think of it this way, when being promoted to a new position, it is natural to take on the energetic persona that the new position holds. So to move forward, you should leave behind the old energy of the position you were just promoted from.
Therefore, as you look for a new job and career, you should leave the energy of the previous position behind and be prepared to bring forth the new persona that matches the position you are seeking.
This can be done in a number of different ways:
- Release any uniforms or required clothing from the previous job
- Release old material that is not necessary to retain
- Organize your Wisdom/Knowledge area of the Bagua especially on your desk, in your office and the main area of your home.
- Place information about the new career/job you are seeking in the Wisdom/Knowledge area of your office and home. You only need to do this in one or two places, no more, as it could prove to be too much.
2. Next, take a look at the Career area of the Bagua of your home and office. The Career area of the Bagua is located by determining the true front door into your home. Stand outside looking at the front entrance into your home. The Career area of the Bagua will be located in the middle of the entire span of the front of your home. So if your front door is located in the centre, then you can consider your front door as the entry way into your career. The same logic applies to entry into your office or rooms of your home. Stand in the doorway looking into the room. Picture a 9 square grid of the room to determine the Career area. Take a look at to the picture of the Bagua.
- Make sure the door can fully open and that there is nothing stacked behind the door.
- This is a good area to have flow, so a water element works nicely in this area. If possible use a dark blue door mat, or one with wavy lines. Or you can hang a picture of a stream flowing into your room. Avoid wild, raging water scenes, you don’t want the energy of your career to resemble something that is out of control or precarious. Of course, this depends entirely on the type of career you want!
- The Career area of the Bagua should be welcoming, have an easy flow and hold the kind of energy you want represented in your career/job
3. The next area of the Bagua you should consider is Inspiration/Messaging. This area is all about your ability to be heard, to get your message out and to define who you are. For a business, this is the area that deals with advertising. For an individual, it is their personal statement about themselves, what they want people to know and understand about them. It’s about being inspirational. When taking on the task of searching for a new job or career, or just wanting a promotion with your company, this area of the Bagua can be especially important.
Consider what you want to have noticed about your accomplishments, your unique skills and experiences. Take a look at this area of the Bagua in your home or office. Look at everything located in this area and allow yourself to get a good sense of what message you are currently putting out to the world.
I like to refer to this area as the ‘smoke signal’. This is the energetic message that is all around you as well as the message being sent out to the world stating that this is who you are.
If you look at the Bagua you will see this area is located in the middle at the top. Standing in the doorway looking into your office the Inspiration/Messaging area will be in the middle area of the back wall.
Typically this is where I find blank walls or windows. The blank walls can indicate there is no clear message or purpose. A window can actually be a good thing. It indicates there is an open and clear opportunity to get your message out. But you need to have a message available.
When someone has a window in this area of the Bagua I suggest placing pictures or statements near the window that reflect what you want people to know about you or your business. I would avoid using pictures of flowing water and especially pictures of waterfalls. Unlike the benefit of having water flowing through your career, this area of the Bagua is best suited for fire elements.
Remember, ‘smoke signal’ area. You need fire to create smoke so your message can be seen far away. But you don’t want a huge fire, just something that is capable of having a bit of smoke. Too hot a fire usually does not create much smoke and can’ burn up’ your message. Use this image to help guide you in selecting the perfect pictures and statements that will best reflect your messaging about yourself and your business.
These are just a few suggestions how Feng Shui principals can help you in your desire to find a new job, career or obtain the promotion you are seeking. They are very general suggestions as Feng Shui is far more insightful and does not possess a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. I hope you find these suggestions helpful.
Remember you can reach me by visiting my web site at www.FengShuiSolutions.org or facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Myfengshuisolutions.
Marjorie Hilliard, RN, Feng Shui Master successfully completed a 4 year Graduate Course at The Power Feng Shui Academy of Santa Fe and is the owner of Feng Shui Solutions. Marjorie has over 12 years experience working with individuals, small and large businesses, interior designers and charitable community organizations providing expert guidance on the appropriate application of Feng Shui principals as they apply to individual needs of her clients. Marjorie offers comprehensive Feng Shui instruction and community presentations in the Atlanta area.
Marjorie is currently running classes to teach the basics of Feng Shui. By applying these proven methods, they can help bring about positive change in all aspects of your life.
Dates of the upcoming classes:
June 30, 2015 – Feng Shui Certification Course beginning Tuesday, June 30, 2015 (class is 1 day a month for 6 months)
July 12, 2105 – Feng Shui Certification Course beginning on Sunday, July 12, 2015 (class is 1 day a month for 6 months)
Click here for more information about these two classes.
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