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Is Halloween's Popularity Fading?

According to the study, while the majority will be participating in some type of Halloween activities, only 7% of Americans say Halloween is their favorite holiday and only about four in 10 say they will dress up this year. (And of those, 21% will be dressing up as a character from a TV show or movie while 20% will create their own costume.) Also, the study breaks down vaccinated vs. unvaccinated approaches to the holiday and highlights just how much COVID is haunting some individuals’ celebrations.

Additional key findings from the study include:

A third (30%) of Americans will not be participating in any Halloween activities
16% plan to attend a Halloween party; 30% are going to watch a Halloween movie
3 in 4 parents (72%) feel comfortable with their children going trick-or-treating
Unvaccinated parents and those with unvaccinated children will be taking far less precautions than their counterparts with vaccinated children, with a third (34%) planning to take no precautions

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