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Hire Me! Hire me for your writing assignment or event. I'm reasonable and reliable. Also looking for additional writing gigs. Email me at

Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

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Where You Can Find Me This Week - 5/13/12- 5/19/12

If you aren't sick of me yet, and my wife is.  My goal is to make you tired of hearing me flap my gums and I may accomplish that this week.

Here's where you can find and hear me this week.

Tuesday 5/15 - Guesting on "The LinkedIn Lady Show" hosted by Carol McManus - 4pm eastern time

Link:  - Listen live or after the fact.  We'll be talking sports and social media.


Wednesday 5/16 - Weekly tech segment "Wireless Wednesday" on 92.9 dave fm in Atlanta.  With Steve Craig  - 8 am eastern time  -  This week: Pet Gadgets (sponsored by iHospital)



Wednesday 5/16 - My weekly show on  - "The Tech of Sports"  7pm eastern time.  A very special guest this week, NHRA drag racer, Doug Herbert.  You can listen live and participate in the chat room.



Thursday 5/17 - Social Media Networking Breakfast in East Cobb.  Put on by The Ken Cook.  I'll be attending. It's held at a great facility, Business on the Spot.


Thursday 5/17 - I'll be a guest on with Angel & Eric: "The Experience Pros" on 560 am - KLZ in Denver at approx. 1:45 eastern time.  Should be fun.



Friday and Saturday 5/18 - 19 - NCAA Tennis Championships at the Dan Magill Tennis Complex in Athens, GA.  Look for my coverage.

Otherwise, I'll be at the gym or Starbucks.

Have a great week.