AT&T Working for Victims of Alabama and Georgia Tornadoes

Terrible pictures of the paths of the Georgia and Alabama tornadoes, AT&T wanted to provide an update of their efforts there.
AT&T has deployed a FirstNet SatCOLT (satellite Cell On Light Truck) to boost connectivity for Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) first responders, as they work recovery efforts in the wake of Sunday’s devastating tornadoes. The SatCOLT is positioned in Talbotton (Talbot County), Georgia, one of the hardest hit areas. FirstNet is being built with AT&T, in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority). It’s designed with and for first responders, making public safety’s mission the priority.
In addition to the satCOLT we’ve deployed in Talbot County, Georgia, our employees have set up charging stations in Opelika (Lee County), Alabama, to help residents impacted by the tornadoes stay connected with loved ones. Two of the Opelika charging stations are at the Providence Baptist Church at 2807 Lee Road 166; another is at Sanford Middle School at 1500 Lee Road 11, the hub for first responders. The employees also donated dozens of cases of water, diapers, wipes, batteries, trash bags, nonperishable snacks, toiletries, and more, to the Providence Baptist Church, which is serving as a food and supply bank of sorts for Opelika residents.
They have also created a text donation campaign to help those impacted by the storms. People who want to help can text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to give $10* that enables the Red Cross to respond to and help people recover from this disaster