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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Black Diamond Grill (1)


Whatever happened to... Jerry Glanville?

The coach that used to only wear black is now involved in the blues.

Hosting the blues that is, as in the weekly "Blues Jam" at The Black Diamond Grill in Cumming, GA.

It's been a gradual fall, from NFL Head Coach of the Oliers and Falcons to broadcaster, to NASACR wannabe, and back into football as an assistant in the college ranks at Hawaii and then his final resting place Portland St. where he resigned with a record of 9-24.

Along the way he left tickets at will call for Elvis and blew up just about every NASCAR car or truck he drove.

His current gig is hosting "blues night" in Cumming, GA and I'm tempted to stop by one night and see if the old coach is telling tales from the gridiron, like why he traded Brett Favre.  As a Packer fan, I love Coach Glanville.  The gift he gave the Packers in Brett Favre kept giving and giving.  An now the old coach in black is singing the blues.