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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in book pick (136)


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Introverted Leader - Be Successful in Business and Networking as an Introvert

It's awesome to be an introvert!

Society tends to have us believe that extroversion is more advantageous than introversion, when in reality it's not better or worse...unless you make it that way. Its kind of like we're in one big cage and we all have to find ways to effectively communicate with each other so that we can improve our lives and the lives of others. This book is designed to have you embrace the introvert that you are and use your introversion to your advantage to make you more successful with your business pursuits, as well as strategies to significantly boost your networking skills.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Big Bucks in Bad Times - 314 Ways to Make and Save Money When Times are Tough

314 Ways to Make and Save Money When Times are Tough.

Marc Charles assembled more than three hundred legitimate ways to make and save money when the economy, business and the markets are down. This is a classic new e-book edition!

Get this and get the most out of your money.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Core Persuasion Skills

You're about to discover the core persuasion and Influence skills needed for success.See becoming a master persuader takes a new thought process, you need to develop more character traits of which a master Influencer has, you need to learn how to win friends and Influence people through little tricks and tips, there's a method to every negotiation whether in business or in your personal life.This book can help you if you are struggling to get respect in your relationship, struggling to get sales at work, struggling to become more of an effective persuader amongst your circle of friends, struggling in life full stop.


Kindle Free Pick of the Week - Louisiana Bigshot

Talba Wallis, hip and happening PI, a.k.a. the Baroness Pontalba, star of the New Orleans avant garde, was first introduced in Louisiana Hotshot and returns in this deft, well-written mystery about Babalu Maya, a "healer" who wants to know if her boyfriend is cheating on her. Shortly after Talba confirms her client's suspicions, Babalu dies of a heroin overdose the police are certain is a suicide. But both Talba and Jason, Babalu's contrite and confused boyfriend, find it such an improbable scenario that he hires Talba to find out what really happened. Unraveling the mystery takes the sassy sleuth with the attitude that's bigger than she is to the small Louisiana town where Babalu was born and to the prominent, influential family that turned its back on her a long time ago. While the plot isn't much more than a routine Southern gothic, the heroine is: Talba Wallis is a lively, engaging protagonist with family secrets of her own that are revealed in a secondary plot that's much more interesting than the primary one. Smith, the author of three other series, has a real winner in this one.


Day 11: Rick's 12 Days of Christmas - Rick's Friend's Books

There is no better Christmas gift than a book and Rick gives us gift ideas of books from authors he knows.

I have listed only one per author, but these guys is most instances have more than one book you can buy, download, and enjoy.

And I'm saving a very special book ofr Day 12