Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Entries in money (10)
Kindle Pick of the Week: Making More Money for YOU!: Mutual Fund Investing on a Budget for Beginners

If you want to get everything you desire in this crazy life, all whilst making boatloads of money, then keep reading…
If YOU, like me when I was starting out, are looking for a way to get everything on your wishlist without having any of those pesky worries about how much it will cost...then this is the book FOR YOU!
When I was starting out in life, I wanted it all. I wanted the big house with an inground swimming pool, fast cars that belong in the movies, big ticket vacations, and a bright future for me and my family. But there was one big problem - all these things cost money. Worse, that was money I didn't have or know how I was going to get.
Fortunately, in my journey, I have discovered many tools and strategies that have helped me live the life of my dreams. In this book, I'm going to share some of my knowledge to help you on your journey to your dream life. Each person has their own dreams and wants out of this life. This knowledge that I am supplying to you will help to make those dreams a reality!
Here's just a taste of what you'll discover in this groundbreaking book:
How to make more money than you ever thought possible - and buy everything you ever wanted!
Why "retiring at 70" is a myth and what you can do to quit your job and enjoy life before turning 70!
How to live the life of your dreams - without worrying about how much money you have in the bank!
Learn valuable skills and how to use the tools supplied in this book to help you live it up like a boss in no time!
Why millionaires don't play by the rules you've been taught…
How to plan your own, and your family's future to ensure your kids (and their kids) ALWAYS have plenty of money.
...And much, MUCH more!
This book contains the secrets of the world's wealthiest people and teaches everything from where millionaires spend their money (and time), what they invest in, and other secrets for getting ahead.
Even the smallest amount of money and time that you invest in your future makes it that little bit brighter - and the power of compounding multiple strategies and knowledge means that even modest investments can turn into MILLIONS.
Just think of how it would feel to never have to worry about money again or have to "check" what something costs. What would you do with that time and money freedom?
The only real question is - are YOU ready for this?
Amazon Pick of the Week: The Nomadic Wealth Formula

The Nomadic Wealth Formula, an inspired look at practical ways in which people can expand and create their own wealth, regardless of locale while expanding their freedom, will publish on September 1st, 2020. Nomadic Wealth is the first “how-to” handbook authored by American entrepreneur, former special operations Marine, and host of the influential “Wealth, Power and Influence” podcast, Jason Stapleton.
Wealth focuses on the philosophy and practical steps necessary for anyone to achieve true freedom in their lives. As both technology and our world economy continue to evolve many Americans have fallen victim to an antiquated education system that hasn’t prepared them for the rapidly changing economy we have today. In this remarkable new work, Jason Stapleton presents a unique perspective of both financial independence and liberty by reimagining what it means to be free in the 21st century, and what needs to be done to seize borderless financial independence. This comes at a highly pertinent time in human history, as government interference in regional economics due to COVID-19 have left millions unemployed, unsure of their future, and in need of a new way of approaching financial security.
“This book is a culmination of the techniques and lessons I’ve gleaned over the past ten years building myself and my companies, and creating an independence that I want to see everyone achieve,” said Jason Stapleton. “Nomadic Wealth isn’t just a title, it’s a way of viewing the world, yourself and making the most out of your skillset and opportunities to be your own boss and give yourself full freedom without strings attached. This book will undoubtedly change people’s lives, if they have the drive and discipline.”
Nomadic Wealth keys on several primary principles, including:
The 4 things necessary to achieve real freedom in your life.
The 3 Pillars of Nomadic Wealth.
Why working a 9-5 is far more risky and less secure than working for yourself.
Traditional entrepreneurship vs. the Nomadic Entrepreneur.
Why most people are unhappy regardless of how much money they make and the one thing you can do to start being happy now.
Why the rich get richer regardless of how many social programs we create.
The difference between a producer and a consumer and why all the money flows to producers.
What the future of employment will look like over the next 20 years.
The 7 things a business needs to create nomadic wealth.
How you can use the principles of nomadic wealth even if you already own a traditional business.
Stapleton provides a perfect platform from which to educate, having experienced the harshest of life challenges as a special forces marine, and then creating his own finance-centric empire with Trade Empowered in 2009. Trade Empowered became one of the largest and most respected trading education firms on earth boasting tens of thousands of clients in over 110 countries.
Nomadic Wealth is available for pre-order at
Book Pick of the Week: Power Your Profits

Pre-order now for Sept. 22.
Order here.
Susie Carder’s business survived and then thrived during the 2008 recession. In her book, POWER YOUR PROFITS: How to Take Your Business from $10,000 to $10,000,000 by Susie Carder (Atria Books; On Sale: 9/22/20), Carder offers a comprehensive, bulletproof start-to-finish plan for taking your business from startup mode to the multi-million-dollar mark straight.
Carder is the creator of the Predictable Success Method™, and has a proven, twenty-year track record that includes building two $10 million companies herself, which she later sold. Her clients have included Steve Harvey and Paul Mitchel to name a few. Small business is the backbone of economic growth. Carder gives the playbook to build a 7-figure business and make it profitable. In an interview Carder can discuss:
COVID: Pivot without Panic
· What I learned in first 30 days of the pandemic for your business to survive and thrive
· How to set your business up responsibly without having to pivot multiple times
Proactive vs. Reactive Tips
· Marketing Is Key: targeted marketing essential qualified clients vs fans. We lose 30% of our clientele every year and that is more with an online business so we must continually be finding new prospects and way to engage
· When we look at what team members become essential that is the foundation of your success making sure they are delivering RESULTS, not just tasks
· Leadership & Culture - focus on your team - wellness checks & employee initiatives
· Managing your expenses can be the most important and the most stressful for a business owner. You would be surprised at how many businesses are working harder vs smarter. Where energy goes, energy grows, let’s focus on the RIGHT energy.
· Grants for entrepreneurs
· Women of color helped U.S. get out of recession in 2008! Women of color are an economic force to rebuild this country
Susie Carder is a globally recognized profitability coach and inventor of the Predictable Success Method™. Her radical business strategies have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve exponential growth and triple their profits. Carder resides in San Diego.
Pre-order now!

Kindle Free Pick of the Week: The Money Tree

Ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer?
This is an introductory guide book for a beginner who wish to start investing but do not know where or how to start.
Get insights into the World of investing and start earning your own passive income.
Always remember that knowledge is fear's worst enemy.
Read this one twice!