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Entries in car accident (2)


'Macho Man' Randy Savage Dies in Car Accident

Accoring to media reports, Randall Poffo, better known as wresting great Macho Man Randy Savage, has died.

According to the site, Randy's brother, Lanny, said he suffered a heart attack while he was driving around 9:25 this morning and lost control of his vehicle.  Yes, Macho Man's brother is "Leaping" Lanny Poffo.

He veered across a concrete median, through oncoming traffic and "collided head-on with a tree."

Savage was transported to Largo Medical center, where he died from his injuries, according to the report.

Savage, who grew up near Sarasota, Fla., was a minor league baseball outfielder in the Cincinnati Reds farm system in his earlier years.

He also played minor league ball for St. Louis Cardinals and Chicago White Sox.

Savage enjoyed one of the longer careers in professional wrestling; winning numerous titles, faking multiple retirements, holding grudges in high profile feuds and even enjoying time as a color commentator when he wasn't busy in the ring.

He was 58 and is survived by his wife of only one year, Lynn Payne.

Here is a classic Macho Man interview with Mean Gene.


The Amazing Race Preview for "We Had a Lot of Evil Spirits Apparently"

The teams leave Australia and head to Japan.

Challenges this week include a roadblock that has one team member in costume riding a revolving wooden horse trying to shoot an arrow at a wooden diamond target. The Detours in this leg of the race will involve participating in a traditional Shinto cleansing ceremony to purge evil spirits from their bodies or hunting for frog good luck symbols in a mud bowl.

Drama builds for one team as there is a car accident.

On Friday, Feb 25 Phil Keoghan flew to Christchurch, New Zealand to survey the damage from the earthquake that occurred on Feb 22 to the town that is just 14 miles from where Phil grew up. While there, Phil will make some public service announcements that encourage viewers to help those affected by the earthquake and to plead for vacationers planning to visit the island to still come. New Zealand's economy is largely based on tourism and a fall in visitors could cause the economy to collapse. I predict that there will be at least one of these PSAs shown immediately before Sunday's episode in which the TAR teams travel from nearby Australia to Japan.

Tune in to CBS Sunday night at 8:00 PM ET to The Amazing Race to see who's affected by the car accident will be and to see which team will be the last to arrive at the Pit Stop and face elimination.