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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Chelsea J (1)


From Growing Up in a Family of Packer Fans to Becoming a Viking Cheerleader

Is there nothing sacred anymore?

A Wisconsin Rapids native can add professional cheerleader to her resume, but it's not for the Packers. If you look at the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders roster, one brunette, listed as "Chelsea J." might look familiar to those in Wisconsin.

It appears Chelsea attended elementary school and seventh-grade at East Junior High in Wisconsin Rapids and still has family living there.

She may have gone to the University of Minnesota, but did she leave relatives that are Packer fans back in the Cheese State?

Chelsea is one of 11 rookies on the 35-member squad and attends three, 31/2-hour practice sessions a week.

She holds degrees in health and wellness and child psychology, Chelsea also teaches preschool full-time for an organization providing services to homeless children and their families in Minneapolis.

And, with much of her family residing in Wisconsin Rapids, she was asked THE QUESTION...
Packers or Vikings?

"I think the bottom line is they were proud I was going to be an NFL cheerleader," Chelsea said democratically.