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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in Christmas Car Tree (1)


Rick's 12 Days of Christmas: Christmas Car Tree

Christmas revelers around the world, can rejoycre in a brand new product, which has also created a brand new product category -- the Christmas Car Tree, the world’s first light-up Christmas Tree for your car.

It’s an incredible new innovation for Christmas revelers and holiday decorating enthusiasts around the world.

The tree is portable, easy to assemble, it comes with 70 pre-affixed multi-color Christmas lights that are quickly powered by your car’s cigarettes lighter. Set-up is a breeze, and no heavy lifting is required.

Hurry to get one!

Price: $129.99, free ground shipping anywhere in the U.S. through 12/31/16

·         2 1/2 feet, 120 tip classic artificial Christmas Tree.

·         Comes assembled with 70 LED Multi-Color Lights.

·         Sturdy lightweight frame mounts tree to car.

·         4 straps with soft touch clips securely attach frame to car roof.

·         High quality suction cups prevent scratching and damage to your car.

·         6-inch stem with folding mechanism allow tree to bend down flat for low ceilings.

·         Lengthy cord inserts into cars cigarette lighter to turn on tree lights.

·         Weather resistant, wind resistant.

·         Tree is shipped in a small box that comes equipped with a handle for easy unpacking and storage.

The Christmas Car Tree is only available for purchase on And because the company patented the product and parts, it won’t be available through anyone else, and furthermore it allows us to be able to use the “first-ever” claim for public promotion.