What the Heck is in a 'Peep'

I don't eat them at Easter or anytime of the year, but apparently many others do.
I'm talking about Peeps.
NPR has stated that Americans will eat at least 600 million Peeps this Easter.
Each Peep has 32 calories or160 in a five-pack. There is no fat and no cholesterol, but they do, however, have a full 13% of your daily dose of carbohydrates.
Here is a list of the ingredients: sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, contains less than 0.5% of the following ingredients: yellow#6 lake, maltodexrtin, natural flavors, potassium sorbaate,(a preservative), yellow #6, yellow #5 (tartrazine, red #40, blue#1. Looks like no dairy, no eggs and no nuts. So, eat up.