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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in eBay (2)


Tim Tebow Cheese Sandwich Sells on Ebay

A radio station DJ from Roanoke discovered the image in his grilled cheese he was about to eat and says it was a misplacement of butter that did the job.

"I have a pan that as far as heat distribution, it sort of wobbles around. I think just the way the heat hit the sandwich. You can clearly see this is the iconic Tim Tebow pose," said Zack Jackson from K-92's morning show.

He put the sandwich up on Ebay and last time I checked it was up to $85.

Quite a coincidence or a bad radio morning show prank, you decide.


More Than $30,000 for a Hat?

eBay said Wednesday that bids for one of the wackiest pieces of royal wedding headgear have approached 18,400 pounds ($30,000.)

Princess Beatrice's massive ring-and-bow-shaped hat turned heads at the wedding of her cousin Prince William last month.  Can you even call this a hat?

The Philip Treacy creation has been compared to a toilet seat or a pretzel. Images of the headpiece have been repeatedly digitally manipulated and posted online, featuring — for example — a cat crawling through it.

Funds from the hat's sale will go to UNICEF and Children in Crisis, according to eBay. Beatrice said she hoped whoever bought the hat would have "as much fun with it as I have."

The auction ends May 22.

If that first hat wasn't enough for you, here's another one Beatrice wore in the past.