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Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.

Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.

Entries in episode (2)


My Appearance On and Congrats to Waves of Tech - Episode 200


It was my pleasure to make an appearance on the 200th episode of "Waves of Tech" with Steve and Dave.

Waves of Tech Show 200

With Episode 200 being such a milestone for the show and the NetCast Studio network, we thought we could take a quick trip down memory lane and share some stories as to the start of The Waves of Tech and say a few Thank Yous as well.  Without the constant support of you, the listener, the show would be nothing.  Thanks for the support and thanks for getting The Waves of Tech nominated during the 9th Annual Podcast Awards.  Thanks to everyone that sent us a congratulatory message.  You guys are awesome!!  Be sure to tune in as we have some great giveaways!!  Just follow the rules and you can get yourself a sweet prize from the NetCast Studio family.

Messages from listeners

Jim Meeker:  ”My time with Waves of Tech was one of the happiest times of my life.  Working with Steve and Dave was like getting together with your best friends to catch up on what’s going on in the tech world. Congratulations  NetCast Studio and Waves of Tech!”  I miss both of you tremendously and wish you the best.

Mike Swartz:  Congrats on your 200th episode! You’ve come a long way since the Desert Wheels and Edwards! Good job!

Dan Fugate:  Congratulations to the whole team! Wow, 200 episodes. You have come a long way, and I’m sure you’ve got plenty more tech talk in you. Keep it up.

Andy Kossowski:  Congratulations from all of Latin America.

Busy Ladies:  We are so excited that you have your 200th show. Congratulations on doing a fantastic job!!! You guys rock!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Nicholas and John Hanlon:  Congratulations Waves Of Tech on 200 episodes! Miss talking to you guys all the time. But we still try to catch an episode whenever we can. We also wanted to congratulate you guys on becoming a finalist in the podcast awards. Looking forward to the next 200! Congrats again, John and Nicholas from the retired Google at a Glance podcast.


NetCast Studio's 1000th Episode

Happy to be a part of this show and a small part of what Steve and Co. has done over the past 1000 episodes.

Have a listen: