Based in Atlanta, GA - Rick Limpert is an award-winning writer, a best-selling author, and a featured sports travel writer.
Named the No. 1 Sports Technology writer in the U.S. on Oct 1, 2014.
Entries in Fish (4)
Bass Pro Legends

At the Bas Pro legends this week in Ridgedale, Mo.
Quite and event. Golf, fishing, outdoors activities, Big Cedar Lodge and the Champion's Tour.
Catching the big one!

Piranhas Eat Drunk Man Alive in Bolivia

Hungry piranhas attacked and killed a young man who leaped into a river infested with the flesh-eating fish in the country of Bolivia.
Daniel Cayaya is a police official in the small city of Guayaramerin. He tells The Associated Press that the 18-year-old man was drunk when he jumped out of a canoe in the nearby town of Rosario del Yata, 400 miles (640 kilometers) north of the capital of La Paz.
Cayaya says the man bled to death after the attack, which occurred last Thursday. First word of the incident emerged Tuesday, when it was reported on a local radio station.
Cayaya says the police suspect suicide because the man was a fisherman in the region who knew the Yata river well.
Photos from Atlanta Tennis Championships Day 5

Quarter-finals day in Atlanta. Winners in the first three matches were Muller, Isner and Fish. Should be some competitive SFs tomorrow.
Gilles Muller takes the first quarter
Gilles MullerOver #2 seed, Kevin Anderson
The college doubles team of Bernstein and King
John Isner interviewed by the ESPN guys after his win
Somdev Devvarman
Mardy Fish
Ross Hutchins holding court at the Corona Beach Bar
Colin Fleming and Ross Hutchins and some friends